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Hello world!

 Hello everyone, my name is Freddy and this is my blog about parts of my life and my adventures. Just so you'd know what I look like (if you didn't already) this is meπŸ‘‰ (for phone/tablet users πŸ‘†) Before I talk about todays adventures, I'd like to speak about me first. I was born on 19.09.2020, making me almost 4 months old. My mom is a Husky and my dad is a Bernese Mountain Dog, that's why I look the way I look 😊. I have been with my family for about 1,5 months and they are fantastic. They give me all kinds of puppy treats and also buy me a lot of toys.  And if you are wondering how in the heavens am I writing this, it's all thanks to my human who translates my barks, he's a good one at that. So today my adventures took me to my humans office, to my humans grandmas and to a vet. Lets start with the office. We got there by car, where I sat at the front seat, I say sat but I actually mostly lied down and slept a bit. When we got there I was excited, I've be

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